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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sweet Rain - poem by Sylvia Chidi

Sweet Rain

O! sweet rain! O! sweet rain!

Here we go once again
With the sound of rain
On my window pane

First it bulges out with a drizzle
I frizzle in bed waiting for the rain to fizzle
The raindrops fight as they sizzle
Why the sizzle is relaxing remains to me a puzzle

Whilst it pours down heavy
Imposing on the roads a levy
Thunder, chaos and lighting
Is the rattling usual sighting

I hear the people complain
About the sound of sweet rain
But we need you to maintain
The forests, the green and the mountain plains

O! sweet rain! O! sweet rain!
Let us do it once again
Just don't delay my speeding train

Sylvia Chidi

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